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Xbox Wiki
Xbox Wiki

The Konami Xbox Microphone was a microphone that was bundled with the game Xbox Music Mixer. The Microphone was only compatible with Xbox Music Mixer. The microphone has been soft-modded or reused into becoming a working Microphone.


The microphone worked by being plugged into a port on either a Duke controller or Controller S.

Game controllers and remotes
Development Dakota PadDevelopment Controller SXbox 360 PrototypesXbox Alpha Controller
Xbox Controller S (variants) • Duke Green ScoreGrey Japanese Controller SKonami Xbox MicrophoneThe DukeXbox DVD Remote Control
Xbox 360 Xbox 360 controller (variants) • Xbox 360 Universal Media RemoteXbox 360 Media RemoteXbox Live VisionKinectXbox 360 Wireless Speed WheelMortal Kombat X Fight Pad
Xbox One Xbox One controller (variants) • Kinect 2.0Xbox One Media RemoteXbox One Elite ControllerXbox Elite Series 2 ControllerXbox Design LabXbox Adaptive ControllerMortal Kombat X Fight Pad
Xbox Gen 9 Xbox Wireless Controller (variants) • Xbox Series X Launch Team controller
Third-party Big Ben Body PadGamester FPS Master ControllerGamestop Controller SHyperkin Duke ControllerJoytech NEO SE Advanced Wired ControllerLogitech Wireless Xbox ControllerMad Catz Wireless ControllerSniper Scope Light Rifle & ShotgunSpectra Enhanced Wired ControllerStar Wars Sith and Jedi Controller SXbox 360 Versus ControllerXbox Lotus Pro RacerXbox Phoenix Gamepad Controller